Unofficial Problem Bank List October, 2018
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial list, the information is from public sources and while deemed to be reliable is not guaranteed. No warranty or representation, expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy of the information contained herein and same is subject to errors and omissions. This is not intended as investment advice. Please contact CR with any errors.
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FDIC Cert# 2018q2 Assets $(000s) Class Agency Name City State Date Enforcement Action Type Reason Prompt Corrective Action Prompt Corrective Action Date Ticker Symbol
27015 275,928 SAOCCAdmirals BankBostonMA3/30/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
35314 30,535 NMFDICAlamerica BankBirminghamAL8/29/2014Consent OrderGeneral   
4051 50,827 SMFRBAllNations BankCalumetOK10/22/2018Written AgreementGeneral   
1436 21,561 NMFDICAshton State BankAshtonNE1/3/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
149 123,974 NMFDICBank of HazlehurstHazlehurstGA11/14/2017Consent OrderAgriculture Lending   
57131 469,949 NMFDICBeach Community BankFort Walton BeachFL3/16/2010Consent OrderC&D RE  BCBF
28384 97,392 SAOCCBen Franklin Bank of IllinoisArlington HeightsIL11/25/2015Consent OrderGeneral  BFFI
14083 9,492 NMFDICBison State BankBisonKS10/2/2014Consent OrderGeneral   
9189 67,750 NMFDICBrighton BankBrightonTN2/23/2011Consent OrderGeneral   
58037 100,966 NMFDICCalifornia Business BankIrvineCA8/16/2017Consent OrderGeneral  CABB
57974 52,132 NOCCCalifornia International Bank, N.A.RosemeadCA5/13/2010Formal AgreementCRE lending  SAGN
35547 95,401 NOCCCanyon Community Bank, National AssociationTucsonAZ7/29/2013Consent OrderGeneral   
31121 209,504 SMFRBCecil BankElktonMD7/2/2010Written AgreementCRE lending  CECB
34294 809,373 SMFRBCFG Community BankLuthervilleMD10/31/2008Written AgreementCRE lending   
10843 30,212 NMFDICCitizens Bank of ChatsworthChatsworthIL7/2/2013Consent OrderGeneral   
10319 106,228 NMFDICCitizens Savings Bank and Trust CompanyNashvilleTN10/3/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
21111 202,668 NOCCCity National Bank of New JerseyNewarkNJ2/12/2018Consent OrderGeneral   
9499 96,909 NMFDICCivis BankRogersvilleTN11/23/2015Consent OrderC&D RE   
22229 47,951 NOCCCommonwealth National BankMobileAL12/18/2015Consent OrderGeneral   
32968 47,505 NMFDICCommunity Bank and Trust - AlabamaUnion SpringsAL10/9/2013Consent OrderCRE lending   
25796 83,656 NMFDICCommunity Bank and Trust - West GeorgiaLaGrangeGA8/21/2012Consent OrderCRE lending   
34876 474,612 NOCCConnecticut Community Bank, National AssociationWestportCT7/27/2009Formal AgreementGeneral   
34259 523,410 NMFDICCrown BankElizabethNJ12/19/2016Consent OrderCRE lending   
623 43,396,000 SMFRBDeutsche Bank Trust Company AmericasNew YorkNY5/26/2017Cease & DesistGeneral   
32360 329,151 SAOCCEastern Savings Bank, FSBHunt ValleyMD3/31/2014Consent OrderGeneral   
11539 333,644 NMFDICEnterprise Bank of South CarolinaEhrhardtSC4/16/2013Consent OrderGeneral   
16916 75,341 NMFDICF & M Bank and Trust CompanyManchesterGA2/4/2011Consent OrderCRE lending   
21478 18,873 NOCCFirst Citizens Bank of Polson, National AssociationPolsonMT11/9/2010Consent OrderGeneral   
16748 175,661 NMFDICFirst City Bank of FloridaFort Walton BeachFL10/15/2009Cease & DesistC&D RE   
1639 143,537 NOCCFirst Community National BankCubaMO1/20/2016Formal AgreementGeneral   
58294 141,148 NMFDICFirst Covenant BankCommerceGA12/7/2012Consent OrderCRE lendingYes 12/17/2008 
10055 110,463 NMFDICFirst Southern BankPattersonGA1/29/2010Consent OrderC&D RE   
33103 120,867 SAOCCGateway Bank, FSBOaklandCA10/26/2011Consent OrderGeneral   
29399 132,759 SAOCCGN BankChicagoIL4/16/2015Consent OrderGeneral   
10816 42,217 NMFDICGrand Rivers Community BankGrand ChainIL10/13/2016Consent OrderGeneral   
35249 247,922 NMFDICGwinnett Community BankDuluthGA8/31/2009Cease & DesistC&D RE   
28667 63,115 SAOCCHomestead Savings BankAlbionMI9/17/2014Formal AgreementGeneral   
31823 206,568 SAOCCInteramerican Bank, A FSBMiamiFL9/19/2012Consent OrderGeneral   
15121 229,123 NMFDICJackson County BankBlack River FallsWI12/13/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
26790 276,065 NOCCKEB Hana Bank USA, National AssociationFort LeeNJ1/23/2015Formal AgreementCRE lending   
16396 91,847 NMFDICLafayette State BankMayoFL10/10/2014Consent OrderGeneral   
26816 8,696 NMFDICLiberty Bank, Inc.Salt Lake CityUT7/12/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
58112 34,696 NMFDICLouisa Community BankLouisaKY5/4/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
1517 134,219 SMFRBMarkesan State BankMarkesanWI9/8/2017Written AgreementGeneral   
57821 54,555 NMFDICMaryland Financial BankTowsonMD4/26/2018Consent OrderGeneral   
25884 1,856,406 NOCCMidSouth Bank, National AssociationLafayetteLA7/19/2017Formal AgreementGeneral  MSL
34460 59,992 NMFDICMillennial BankLeedsAL3/31/2015Consent OrderGeneral   
9502 44,060 NMFDICMovement BankDanvilleVA4/20/2011Consent OrderGeneral   
57784 150,270 NMFDICNantahala Bank & Trust CompanyFranklinNC10/21/2010Consent OrderCRE lending   
34548 54,068 NOCCNeighborhood National BankSan DiegoCA3/24/2016Consent OrderCRE lending   
57994 119,865 NMFDICNorthside BankAdairsvilleGA7/9/2009Cease & DesistCRE lending   
8117 259,337 SMFRBPeoples Bank & Trust Company of HazardHazardKY3/3/2016Written AgreementGeneral   
17089 317,300 NMFDICPersons Banking CompanyForsythGA1/13/2012Consent OrderCRE lending   
32363 528,079 SAOCCPresidential Bank, FSBBethesdaMD1/20/2012Consent OrderC&D RE   
58317 31,447 SAOCCResolute BankMaumeeOH9/5/2018Consent OrderC&D RE   
12086 20,363 NMFDICSainte Marie State BankSainte MarieIL9/20/2018Consent OrderGeneral   
10318 317,626 NMFDICSevier County BankSeviervilleTN7/27/2010Consent OrderGeneral   
19755 153,088 NMFDICSouth LaFourche Bank & Trust CompanyLaroseLA11/6/2017Consent OrderEnergy Lending   
35077 55,225 NMFDICStonebridge BankWest ChesterPA5/23/2011Consent OrderCRE lending   
15847 60,153 NMFDICSunrise Bank DakotaOnidaSD4/4/2018Consent OrderGeneral   
18600 125,909 NMFDICSunSouth BankDothanAL5/20/2013Consent OrderGeneral   
178 61,028 NMFDICTalbot State BankWoodlandGA9/26/2012Consent OrderCRE lending   
11159 314,530 NMFDICTexas Champion BankCorpus ChristiTX2/13/2017Consent OrderGeneral   
13960 36,095 NMFDICThe Bank of HoustonHoustonMO6/8/2011Consent OrderGeneral   
419 99,824 NMFDICThe Citizens State BankOkemahOK2/27/2018Consent OrderGeneral   
28614 313,399 SBFDICThe Equitable Bank, S.S.B.WauwatosaWI2/15/2012Consent OrderCRE lending   
3688 68,748 NOCCThe First National Bank of LaconLaconIL9/13/2016Formal AgreementGeneral   
3377 45,619 NOCCThe First National Bank of PaducahPaducahTX4/16/2012Formal AgreementGeneral   
4769 113,341 NOCCThe First National Bank of Scott CityScott CityKS4/19/2016Formal AgreementGeneral   
4770 59,061 NOCCThe First National Bank of SedanSedanKS4/17/2018Formal AgreementGeneral   
14361 167,644 NMFDICThe First State BankBarboursvilleWV11/10/2015Consent OrderGeneral   
16152 122,653 NMFDICThe Peoples BankEatontonGA7/13/2012Consent OrderC&D RE   
33568 55,473 NMFDICUnited Bank of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphiaPA1/31/2012Consent OrderGeneral   
35393 29,239 SAOCCUnited Trust BankPalos HeightsIL8/15/2012Consent OrderCRE lending   
58347 125,311 NMFDICWestSide BankHiramGA11/29/2012Consent OrderCRE lending